
After the game

This is crop for the trio haha
Here the fantastic four!
The all of LS members !!

Here the next post hehe 
thx for watching guys hehe enjoy it

Lobster Spartan Vs Knight Templar

Before the game started..We are challanged by detatama as deta the best quarterback i think haha.. were challanged with 2 touchdown and 2 tfp or handicap is 16-0. But, in the game...

In the game, were the spartans! dominated the match, were attacked templar in many times. But, at half of first half, the game still 0-0 even were attacked templar. Or maybe the fantastic four not play the game together haha just kid. Yeah tigo habek and kurni was late to come to the match and absoulutaley the captain, ardha punished them and gonna play them at the 10 minutes left in the first half.
10 minutes left in the first half...

At the first step, kurni and pareto enter the game, and then, tigo enter the game..after tigo the fantastic four are completed by habek joined the game..the Lobster spartan was all out! yeah!
Just a few minuted after tigo joined the game, he get the haill pass from ardha absolutaley, and....TOUCHDOWN!!! he just a  few minuted there in the field. And we decided to choose the tfp with 2 points. Set Hut Hut!!! were play the game again and TOUCHDWON!!! Tigooo!!! Again!! the score was 8-0 but the real score was 8-16! the bench was screamed all the players loudly! We felt the game now! But, on the last first half, templar get safety and absolutaley get 3 points
Priiiiiit priiiiiit!!

Half time !!

We lead the game, we lead the score and absolutaley we will win! and we must win!
Were talked about the next strategy on the second half. The captain lead us althouhg not well haha just kid capt...
Half time was end..
On the second half, we did same strategy on the first half, we did a pass strategy, in the first half, tigo is the one WR, but now, he accompany by habek, in the first half, habek was tight end and now he pushed more forward to be WR. The strategy was so nice at the few minuted on the second half. Hail Lobster pass, All the WR did a route fly. Hut Hut!! and.. Hup! the ball was catched by habek and TOUCHDOWN again!!
The score now 14-3. And we chosed tfp by 2 points again. Pass strategy again and the pass now catched by mas rifa and TOUCHDOWN!! 16-3. We on the win position but we dont stop to attacked templar more. And on the last minuted, ardha decided to take prito as running back. And this strategy was succesed 100% !! He made the third TOUCHDOWN! on that game. He made his first touchdown! Prito was felt so excited! Hahaha.

End of game! 22-3
Lobster Spartan win the game!!

Btw sorry too late post this topic hehe...
Thx guys and enjoy it!


The Sub Players

Now, in this post i'll tell you all about the sub players. This is our reserves player...
Here it is..check it out guys :D

Sekarang, di post ini aku akan memberitahu kalian tentang para sub player kami. Ini adalah salah satu oemain cadangan kami....
Ini lah dia...cek ini temaan :D

Chatur Sandy

Chatur Sandy or maybe called by kutile, he is our sub player in Line Man position..He can change asa, or sugab very well. Maybe in trio lineman combination he can change sugab or asa to accompany prito in line. But, maybe his deliberate to be a reserve and play with surname ' The sub players '

Chatur sandy atau yg lebih dikenal dengan panggilan kutile, dia adalah sub player kami di posisi lineman...Dia bisa menggantikan asa atau sugab dengan baik. Atau mungkin di trio lineman dia bisa menggantikan sugab atau asa untuk menemani prito di line. Tapi, mungkin dia sengaja menjadi cadangan dan bermain dengan sebutan / julukan ' The sub player '

Ramadhan Rizqi

Ramadhani rizqi or familiar with the name by jolly. He is running back from LS. His speed not interior to the other. His move also good too, but maybe his speed little slow than the other. So, same like kutile, he deliberate to be a reserve and change habek or reza when they are feel tired and play with name ' The sub player ' but, you must know that he also can be wide receiver, but his techniq still low...

Ramadhani rizqi atau familiar dengan nama jolly. Dia adalah running back dari LS. Speed nya pun tidak kalah dari yang lain. Gerakannya juga bagus tapi mungkin kecepatan nya sedikit lebih rendah dari yg lain. Jadi, sama seperti kutile, dia sengaja jadi cadangan dan mengganti habek atau reza ketika mereka merasa lelah dan bermain dgn sebutan ' The sub player ' tapi, kalian harus tau bahwa dia juga bisa menjadi wide receiver, tapi teknik nya masih kurang

Ivan Wahyu

Ivan wahyu especially called by ayah or ivan. His smallest wide receiver, maybe. But, his skills cannot be underestimates. His move also like jolly, so agile. He become a reserve maybe tigo and cimes still better than him, so, he must be a reserve. When he play, he play good although not like tigo or cimes but i think he is ' the sub player ' of LS too :D

Ivan wahyu biasa dipanggil ayah atau ivan. Dia receiver terkecil, mungkin. Tapi, skill nya tidak bisa diremehkan. Gerakannya juga bisa seperti jolly, begitu lincah. Dia menjadi cadangan mungkin karena cimers dan tigo sedikit lebih baik dari nya, jadi, dia harus jadi cadangan. Ketika dia bermain, dia bermain begitu bagus meskipun tidak seperti tigo atau cimes tapi kupikir dia adalah sub player LS juga :D

NB : Sorry no photos for ivan..maybe next time :) hehe

For this post i think it's enough..enjoy it
Thx guys : )


Trio LineMan Deffend

In this post, we go to next topic, LineMan Defend, you know, for deffensive and offensive the LineMan was different, so, in this post will be tell about our LineMan Deffend. This is them

Di post selanjutnya ini, kita lanjut ke topik para LineMan Pertahanan kita, kalian tau kan, untuk pertahanan dan penyerangan para LineMan pun beda, nah, di post yang ini, akan lebih menceritakan tentang line pertahanan kami yang terkesan kuat hehehe...Inilah mereka

Prito Rino "Pareto

He is Pareto, or maybe called by Prito. His so strong but little affraid to be a center hahaha...he able break oppenent lineman moves. He make any place for the running back to blitz the oppenent QB. So the running back have a little time to through the enemy wall. And off course, he very needed too when offensive play. With Kurni (when offense), they are the best combination lineman in this team ! 

Dia pareto, atau yang biasa dipanggil prito. Dia begitu kuat tapi juga sedikit takut untuk menjadi center hahaha...he mampu menghentikan gerakan lineman lawan. Dia membuat ruang untuk running back untuk melakukan blitz ke QB lawan. Jadi, running back punya sedikit waktu untuk melewati dinding lawan. Dan tentunya juga, dia begitu dibutuhkan juga ketika offense. Dengan kurni (Ketika offense), mereka adalah kombinasi terbaik lineman di tim ini ! 

Albin Sayyid ( Asa )

Asa is the smallest LineMan in this team, maybe not smallest but not muscular like prito. But with his body, he can move to break the oppenent lineman. So, he can help prito very well. Usually he was on the right side. Same as prito, he little affraid to be a center, but its not important, the important is, he can break the oppenent lineman to help the running back and give them a place to do a blitz.

Asa adalah lineman terkecil thi tim ini, mungkin bukan kecil, tapi, tidak besar berotot seperti prito. Tapi,dengan tubuhnya, dia mampu bergerak menghentikan lineman lawan. Jadi, dia bisa menolong prito dengan baik. Biasanya, dia berada di sisi kanan. Sama seperti prito, dia sedikit takut untuk menjadi center, tapi itu tidak penting, yang terpenting itu adalah dia mampu menghentikan lineman lawan untuk menolong running back dan memberi mereka ruang untuk melakukan blitz.

M Bagus S

Here the last, his name is bagus or familiar called by Sugab. So, Prito, asa, and sugab are trio LineMan Deffend of this team, Lobster Spartan. Like asa, his move so agile. And the point is, in this trio his the center. They are make a great wall when deffend play. This is it! LS has a many combination, and this trio is the best againts the other combination! So i think its enough guys!

Inilah dia, yang terakhir, namanya adalah bagus atau lebih familiar dengan sugab. Jadi, Prito, Asa, dan Sugab adalah trio lineman pertahanan di tim ini, Lobster Spartan. Seperti asa, gerakannya sangat lincah. Dan poin nya adalah, di trio ini, dialah center nya. Mereka membuat dinding yang begitu baik ketika deffend play. Inilah dia! LS punya banyak kombinasi, dan trio ini adalah yang terbaik diantara kombinasi yang lainnya! Jadi aku pikir ini cukup guys!

Enjoy it this post! 

Fantastic Four

Di post kali ini kalian bakal dikenalin yang namanya Fantastic Four, kenapa fantastic four? ya bisa dibilang, karena 4 orang inilah nyawa tim ini, Lobster Spartan. Mereka adalah, Alfian bima ( Ardha ), Tigo SH ( Tigo ), Kurniawan dwi p ( Kurni ), Hasbi Azhar ( Hasbi ).... Ini lah mereka~

In this post you'll know the name Fantastic Four, why did fantasticfour? yes you could say, for 4 people this is the life of this team, Lobster Spartan. They are, Alfian bima (Ardha), Tigo SH (Tigo),Kurniawan bi p (Kurni), Hasbi Azhar (Hasbi ).... This is them ~

Pertama, ini lah, kapten kami, Ardha..

First, this is it, our captain, Ardha..

Alfian bima Ardhana ( Ardha ) 

Dia adalah ardha, dia kapten kami, dia yang membuat klub ini dan mempopulerkan sekaligus memperkenalkan olahraga ini pada kami, dan sekarang liat lah kami, Lobster Spartan, juara SFFL II ini semua berkat dia dan latihan yang kami sering lakukan bersama. Dia memiliki taktik taktik yang bagus, sehingga tim lawan pun sering terkecoh oleh strategi yang kami lakukan. Yah mungkin itu sajalah, dia yang terbaik di tim ini, quarterback terbaik LS.

He is ardha, our captain, who made ​​this club as well asintroduce and popularize this sport to us, and now look us,Lobster Spartan, SFFL II champion!! is all about him and the training that we often do together. He has a good tacticsso the opposing team was often fooled by the strategy that we did. Well maybe it enough, he's the best on this team, the best quarterback of LS.

Tigo SH 

Kita lanjut ke nyawa selanjutnya haha, Tigo. Dia adalah WR terbaik tim ini, bisa dibilang dia lah salah satu andalan dari taktik2 ardha, terkadang ketika pass play, dia adalah salah satu tujuan pass ardha, bisa dibilang mereka adalah kombinasi terbaik tim ini. Dan kemampuan nya men-deflected pass lawan cukup baik, sehingga kemampuan offence dan deffend nya lumayan berimbang. Mari lanjut ke orang selanjut nya guys hehe

We go into the next soul of this team haha, Tigo. He is the best WR in this team, we can could say he was one of the mainstays of ardha takticssometimes when a pass play, he is one of the goals ardha pass, we can could say they are the best combination of this team. And his ability to  deflected the enemy pass is good enough, so the ability of his offense and deffend pretty balanced. Let's go to his next one guys hehe

Hasbi Azhar

Inilah yang ke tiga! Namanya adalah hasbi azhar, biasa di panggil Habek. Dia adalah running back kami. Running back terbaik mungkin, yah memang ada satu lagi pertner nya yaitu reza tapi mungkin habek ini karena lebih lama bermain di LS ketimbang reza sendiri. Balik ke habek, dia memiliki kecepetan lari 40 yard / 5,25 detik, mungkin kalo dia bisa lebih cepat 1 detik saja, dia akan menyamai eyeshield 21 yah tapi hal seperti itu butuh latihan keras, berbanding terbalik dengan habek yang jaran latihan. Oke sampai sini saja, lanjut ke orang terakhir

This is the third! His name is hasbi Azhar, usually can call by Habek. He is our running back. Probably the best running back, well there was a one pertner namely reza but maybe habek more longer playing in the LS than reza own. Back to habek,he has run 40 yards kecepetan / 5.25 seconds, maybe if he couldjust 1 second faster, it will equal the Eyeshield 21 well but things like that takes a hard workout, which is inversely proportional tohabek horse exercise. Okay till here, go to the last man

Kurniawan dwi p

Inilah, yang terakhir, Kurniawan atau yang lebih akrab di sapa Kurni. Dia adalah lineMan Offense kami, mungkin dia salah satu yang terbaik diantara para lineman LS. Dia mampu memaksa line lawan membuka dinding sehingga reza atau habek mampu menembus line lawan atau merebut flag dari QB lawan. Tentunya, kurni sangat dibutuhkan di tim ini, kemampuannya meningkat begitu drastis, Deta pun pernah bilang bahwa kemampuannya semakin berkelas *re : QB terbaik Crocodiles  Dan tim ini begitu bangga memiliki pemain seperti Kurni. 

Here, the last, Kurniawan or more familiar with Kurni. He is our Offense lineman, maybe his the   one of the best among the LS lineman. He was able to force the opponent to open line the walls so reza or habek able to penetrate the opponent's line orgrab flags from the opponent's QB. Of course, kurni desperately needed in this team, his ability has increased so drastically, Deta has ever told him that the ability to more classy * re: the best QB of Crocodiles. And this team is so proud to have players like Kurni.

So, that's all about '' Fantastic four '' see you in next post guys
Thx. Enjoy it~

Definisi of Flag Football

Okay in this first page I will more tell to you what the heck it's flag football? for his next, I'm definitely going to post about this club, Spartan Lobster
Oke di page pertama ini aku lebih kenalin ke kalian apa sih flag football itu? buat selanjut nya, pasti aku bakalan post tentang klub ini, Lobster Spartan

Flag Football adalaha versi “aman” dari American Football.Tackle disini diganti menjadi Deflagging,atau mencabut bendera pada lawan.
Berikut kita cek:
Football= 100 yards x 80 kaki
IFFA= 40×80 yards, 2×10 yards endzones, 4×15 yards playzones
Jumlah pemain
Football= 11 pemain per tim di lapangan dalam satu waktu
IFFA= 8 pemain per tim dalam satu waktu
Waktu pertandingan
Football= 4 quarter @15 menit stopped clock dengan aturan 2 minute warning
IFFA= 2 half @25 menit running clock dengan aturan 2 minute warning
Touchdown: 6 poin
Field Goal: 3 poin
Try After Points (kick): 1 poin
Try For Points (2 pt conversion): 2 poin
Safety: 2 poin
Touchdown: 6 poin
Try For Points (1 pt conversion): 1 poin
Try For Points (2 pt conversion): 2 poin
Safety: 2 poin
Football= by tackle
IFFA= by deflagging
Fumbles, Field Goal, Onside Kicks
Football= ada
IFFA= tidak ada
First down
Football= 4 downs, 1st down setelah mendapatkan 10 yard
IFFA= 4 downs, 1st down apabila melewati garis antar playzones
Kontak fisik
Football= penuh
IFFA= semi, kontak dalam jarak 5 yard dari LOS legal, lebih dari itu dilakukan dengan open hand blocking ke arah dada.. ball carrier tidak boleh secara aktif melakukan kontak fisik dengan defender.
Nah tuh yg pengen nyobain main kayak Amefuto tapi gak mau full body contact bisa dicobain tuh FLag Football.
berikut tempat main dan jadwalnya:
Sabtu di Lap. Hoki Gelora Bung Karno jam 07.00-selesai
Rabu di Lap. Hoki Cemara 3 Gelora Bung Karno jam 19.00-22.00
Jumat dan Minggu di Lap. Batununggal jam 07.00-10.00
Minggu,GOR RADAR BOGOR jam 07.30-selesai
Selasa di Lap. Hoki Universitas Indonesia(UI) jam 15.30-17.30
Minggu di Lap. UGM jam 07.00-selesai
Rabu di Tri Lomba Juang jam 15.30-selesai
Sabtu di Tri Lomba Juang jam 07.30-selesai
Persyaratan untuk Join nih:
Cara gabungnya gimana?
Langsung Join latiannya,ga usah pake acara daftar” segala
Ada batasan umur ga?
semua umur boleh join. Mau kelas 1 SMP sampe kakek” boleh join
Peralatannya apa aja? Beli flagnya dimana?
Bawa baju Olahraga,sama sepatu olahraga. Udah itu aja
Bayarannya berapa
Ada Iuran lapangan per pertemuan. Pelajar 10rb,Mahasiswa 20rb,dan Orang kerja 30-50rb

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